Howto install RSA Authentication Manager on CentOS 5
RSA's SecurID product is handy! However, they currently only support the "server" portion of the product on RHEL3 or Suse Enterprise Linux version 9. These are eh.. quite old. After unsuccessfully attempting to install this on Debian Etch (Aceserver installed fine, largely following the steps here.. however the RADIUS server proved to be beyond my patience),, I tried to get it on CentOS 5. Below, are the steps taken to accomplish this task. This is NOT a RSA supported installation, and this howto assumes you have a pretty good understanding of administrating machines.
Prep the machine
Install the following packages via yum..
yum install
yum install ncompress
yum install compat-libstdc++-296-2.96-138.i386
Add the following line to /etc/hosts (this is used for the RADIUS server - it will fail install w/o this line) hostname
Add the following lines to /etc/services..
## Start RSA Auth Mgr ##
securid 5500/udp
securidprop_00 5505/tcp
securidprop_01 5506/tcp
securidprop_02 5507/tcp
securidprop_03 5508/tcp
securidprop_04 5509/tcp
securidprop_05 5510/tcp
securidprop_06 5511/tcp
securidprop_07 5512/tcp
securidprop_08 5513/tcp
securidprop_09 5514/tcp
securidprop_10 5515/tcp
sdlog 5520/tcp
sdserv 5530/tcp
sdreport 5540/tcp
sdadmind 5550/tcp
sdlockmgr 5560/tcp
sdcommd 5570/tcp
sdoad 5580/tcp
## End RSA Auth Mgr ##
Optionally add a user
I added the user 'rsa' and installed into /home/rsa. You can do what you like here, your call. Just remember that whenever I mention "/home/rsa" to substitute wherever you want it installed.
That's it! Done with the pre-install stuff. Now lets move on...
Getting the files ready/unpacked
Easy peasy. You will need the following files to complete a full install.
AuthMgr61LINUX.tar.gz # Get this from the download area @ RSA - this is the base software.
license.rec # the following files are the various license/key files for the RSA Auth Mgr - provided by RSA
Copy these files to your install directory, in my case I used /home/rsa/install then run...
cd /home/rsa/install
tar -xvzf AuthMgr61LINUX.tar.gz
cp license.rec sdti.cer server.cer server.key install/aceserv/linux
Files are in place. Great. Now we need to "fake out" the install script into thinking we're a supported OS (SuSE EL9). You do this by editing the following:
echo 'VERSION 1 9' > /etc/SuSE-RELEASE
Alright.. ready to try this install!
./sdsetup -primary
Follow the prompts, they should be self-explanitory. If all goes well, this will complete w/o further incident. Yay! You are most of the way there.
RADIUS server installation
This is the hard part. And it sucks. Badly. Anyways, lets get to it.
cd /home/rsa/install/RADIUS/linux
THIS WILL FAIL! I installed to /opt, but you can do wherever. I suggest leaving as-is though, I have not tested a different prefix and this is fragile enough!
Now it's tricky.. We need to perform the following
cd /opt/rsa/radius
perl -pni -e 's#%INSTALL_DIR%#/opt/rsa/radius#g' * # edit this to fit your install path of course
vi install
:30 # goto line 30
comment out the following line, and add the one underneath it..
cd /home/rsa/install/RADIUS/linux
:410 (go to line 410)
Comment out this line like so...
#rpm -i --prefix $install_prefix_dir $package_file
What are we doing there? Well, for whatever reason %INSTALL_DIR% is not being expanded in the "post install" scripts. So, we're manually replacing this variable w/ the install path, then re-running them. The reason we comment out the rpm -i line, is so that we do not blow away the changes to the files we just made!
Now we need to edit some stupidity with the Radius server.. I did not do a great job documenting this as I went, so it's from memory.
cd /opt/rsa/radius/btrieve
bin/config /opt/rsa/radius/btrieve
(stuffs should happen)
cd bin
vim .bash_profile
edit line 2, and comment it out like so...
#export PVSW_ROOT=.
now.. we need to add some stuff to ldconfig.
echo "/opt/rsa/radius" > /etc/
Hopefully that's it! Now try starting the radius server via /etc/init.d/sbrd start
Uh.. so that's "it". Now you get to start all the services and such, yay! I leave that up to you :)